Celebrating 30 Years

Moscow, Russia (picture by Artem Beliaikin)

Thirty years ago, in 1991, ISP launched its first teacher conference where volunteers and ISP staff presented an ethics curriculum requested by educational leaders in Russia. 

Since its inception, ISP has been “Equipping Educators to Change the World.” These educators have reached out to their colleagues, their students, and their parents to transform societies.

In addition to providing educational conferences, ISP has developed classroom resources such as an ethics curriculum, substance abuse prevention tools, or parent-teacher resources. More recently, ISP leaders have equipped teachers to create their own Teacher Communities for the purpose of ongoing personal connections and educational development. 

Although ISP started in Russia, we have worked in 35+ countries and five continents, including Europe, South America, North America, Central America, and Africa.

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See the impact teachers are having today.

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