We believe that reaching educators is one of the most strategic ways to impact the world with the gospel because of their influence in society and with the next generation.

Our vision is that there will be a group of Christ-directed teachers in every city and village who are spiritually impacting their schools, communities, and nations.

ISP has a proven strategy of win, build, and send. We contextualize the gospel message for teachers, so they have the tools to reach their colleagues, students, and parents.

If you share our vision of fulfilling the Great Commission through reaching educators, we invite you to partner with us.


Until all have heard,
Roy Christians
ISP Executive Director


Why Teachers?

Teachers are strategic because they:

  • Influence the hearts of students at a teachable age.
  • Inspire a new group of students every year.
  • Are respected cultural role models.
  • Influence the moral foundation of society.

Our Vision

A group of Christ-directed teachers in every city and village who are spiritually influencing the educational community.

International School Project


(866) 477-1515
5801 North Union Blvd. Ste. 201 Colorado Springs, CO 80918


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to Change the World

I used to think that I was the only believer teacher. I was very lonely. By joining the ISP Teachers’ Movement, all of my time has become meaningful. I was delighted to know that I was
not alone.”

— A teacher from Mongolia

Globally, there are 80 million teachers who influence more than 2 billion students.

Imagine the impact of Christian teachers who will influence their classroom, colleagues, communities, and countries for Christ.

What does an ISP teachers’ movement look like?


A community for educators centers on shared values, concerns, and experiences.
Teachers support each other and
develop relationships, giving opportunities to influence others by meeting personal, professional, and spiritual needs.

When teachers join together as a community, God can do significant things in and through them. A teachers’ movement is a team effort as no one can do this on their own.


“Lord, make me a lighthouse to my fellow teachers and students.”

— A teacher from Kenya

“When Jesus lives inside of you, it’s Jesus that they [students] see.”

— A teacher from Ecuador

“My life changed completely… personally, professionally, and the most important thing, spiritually.”
— A teacher from Southeastern Europe.


Access provides effective spiritual interaction with those who are a part of the educational profession.

We gain access by using the needs and interests of the educational community to open doors and present the gospel.

Access events include a wide range of topics that address the real and felt needs of teachers. These include the multi-day DreamMaker conferences facilitated by ISP volunteers.


Multiplication is the process of expanding to new schools, cities, and regions.

A movement of educators focuses on reaching the teachers, students, and parents throughout the country. We equip teachers to be spiritual leaders who influence others with effective evangelism and life-changing discipleship.

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