5 Ways to Engage Students Who Have Spring Fever
Author: Anicah Brooks
With springtime approaching, it can be hard to keep your students’ attention, as they are eager to get outside and play. Here are five ways to keep your students engaged despite their spring fever:

1. Get your students moving.
It’s a great way to get the wiggles out and refocus the class. Try to incorporate movement into your lessons.
Have kids participate in physical representations of what they are learning, or hands-on experiences. Have your students stretch or jump around for a few minutes.
Take your class out for some fresh air. If you are able to, have a lesson outside and let your students enjoy nature.
Maybe take a walk or move reading time from indoors to outdoors. Or, if you can, open the windows in your classroom.
2. Reminding your students about rules/procedures.
This is another way to manage your classroom. There are a few ways you can do this. You could start by reviewing the rules as you may have at the beginning of the year, then have the kids repeat them back to you. You can make a game out of it, but it could be something as simple as a question and answer format. “What do we do with the paint when we’re done? Are we supposed to leave it out with the lid off?”
The sillier your questions, the more your students will listen. Visual reminders of class rules and routines are also helpful. Create a poster or checklist for each day.
3. Keep your structure the same.
If you are always changing things to keep your students interested, you can lose control of your class.
While it is good to adjust the way you teach in class, if you do this too often or make huge changes, you can lose your classroom rhythm. It’s best to make small alterations to the routine.
4. Something New
Create a new daily activity, game, or tradition, as it makes school exciting. You could start the morning with a joke of the day or have your students share about their weekend.
5. Take periodic breaks.
If short breaks are part of a consistent schedule each day, it gives the kids something to look forward to. It motivates them to work harder, or even just hold in their restlessness until their next break. These breaks could be walks around the school, or minigames.
It can be difficult to adjust when your students start to get restless during the spring, but hopefully, these five tips can help you and your students. In the end, remember spring break is coming soon.
Hang in there, teachers. You’ve got this.
About the Author

Anicah Brooks loves writing and is a member of Word Weavers International. She is an avid fan of historical facts and her travels to places like Australia, Spain, and Italy has made her a resource among her peers for information on international cultures. She enjoys spending time in coffee shops with her friends and family, and is currently working as a 5th grade teacher’s aid.