15 Datos Interesantes sobre los Maestros en EE. UU.
Escrito por Tez Brooks
U.S. Statistics
Podemos obtener mucha información cuando consideramos algunas de las estadísticas de nuestros maestros aquí en los Estados Unidos. Echa un vistazo a estos datos de 2023 y ve si algo te sorprende.
- 77% of teachers in the U.S. are female.
- The average age of teachers in the U.S. is 42.
- 87% of public school teachers in the U.S. have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
- 2.7 million teachers in the U.S. have a master’s degree.
- Teachers work an average of 52 hours per week.
- 94% of teachers in the U.S. spend their own money (approx. $480) on school supplies.
- The average classroom size in the U.S. is 23 students.
- 20% of teachers in the U.S. work in urban schools.
- 76% of teachers in the U.S. report high levels of stress.
- The average tenure of a teacher in the U.S. is 14 years.
- The average age of retirement for teachers in the U.S. is 59.
- 81% of teachers in the U.S. work full-time.
- 19% of teachers in the U.S. have a second job.
- 81% of teachers report being emotionally drained at the end of the day.
- 50% of new teachers leave the profession within the first five years.
No doubt many of these statistics you already know. Perhaps some shocked you—like those last two bullet points. Understanding your demographic helps you as a teacher safeguard yourself against the negative impact your occupation could have on you. Conversely, some of these could be encouraging as you realize you’re not alone.
Learn to talk to your colleagues and debrief with one another when situations overwhelm you. As with any occupation, community is key to longevity. The International School Project is all about building community. We are strong believers in the value and richness that comes from being a part of a circle of educators who regularly meet together.
To learn more about what we do, peruse our website and check out how we might come alongside you today.
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Tez Brooks es un autor galardonado, guionista y orador internacional. Tiene una pasión por ver cómo Dios usa el cine para ayudar a transformar vidas. Actualmente, trabaja en nuestro equipo de Comunicaciones en ISP. Algunos de los trabajos de Tez se pueden encontrar en publicaciones de Focus on the Family, CBN.com, The Upper Room, Guideposts, Jesus Film Project y más. Su guión galardonado"Jangled," se puede ver en la aplicación Jesus Film app.Él y su esposa Christine tienen cuatro hijos y han sido misioneros de tiempo completo durante más de 30 años.
Obtén más información en tezbrooks.com