Helpful Tips and Encouragement

Regulate Emotions

Four Ways to Help Students Regulate Their Emotions

Because students deal with so many social, emotional, and mental issues, in addition to overworked school schedules, it’s hard for them to get a handle on the emotions these issues create. This is most evident within a classroom setting.

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When Flu Took Out the Teachers

A Substitute’s Story: When Flu Took Out the Teachers

Entering a classroom unexpectedly can cause anxiety for all involved. Children may respond with confusion, fear, or misbehavior. Use a calm voice, even if you feel nervous and uncertain. Your confidence will assure the students and set the tone for the day.

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New Kid

When I was the New Kid on Staff

Joining a new organization can be exciting, providing a fresh start, and hopefully, new friends. Yet, being a newcomer on an educational team also has its drawbacks.

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Should I Date My Colleague?

Having feelings for a coworker isn’t a new problem. But deciding whether to act on these feelings can feel scary. While everyone’s situation is a little different, there are two categories that you should think about before jumping in.

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