Cambodian Educators Form Nationwide Network
Escrito por Rich Atkinson

Recently, Cambodia has been on lockdown because of COVID-19. Yet, educators who belong to the Cambodia Teachers’ Community (CTC), a network of teachers across the country, have continued to meet online for training sessions and to encourage each other.
This year, teachers discussed Project-Based Learning, effective online teaching, and using Bloom’s Taxonomy to write learning objectives for each lesson plan.
These sessions, called access events, equip all of the teachers professionally while giving teachers an opportunity to connect with each other and have further conversations about the work they are doing.
Somaly has been a vital teacher volunteer of the CTC since its inception. After teaching and facilitating a training session in Phnom Penh on Project-Based Learning, Somaly was asked to teach it again in Banteay Meanchey Province.
When Somaly told the teachers about the CTC, they identified with the vision and formed their own community.
Rich Atkinson
Rich began his writing career with a community paper in Ohio.
Ha trabajado para una revista. Asignaciones de viaje lo han llevado fuera del país a Haití y Guatemala. En los Estados Unidos, ha viajado a Atlanta, Boston, Milwaukee y muchos otros lugares para realizar reportajes.
Cuando no está escribiendo, Rich encuentra tiempo para leer y disfruta escuchando a autores discutir sobre escritura en podcasts y videos de YouTube.