Teachers Learn How to Grow and Teach

Alexandra, a Russian teacher, takes time to pray outside during the conference.

Alexandra traveled 4,000 miles to attend an ISP conference in Russia. She arrived feeling tired and discouraged. 

After hearing a talk about how much God loves her, she recommitted her life to Christ. 

“Those words spoke to the depths of my heart giving me strength, joy and healing,” she said. “I have His seal upon me – I am His and now I do not need to hide, I am not afraid of His wrath. I now run to Him saying – forgive me!”

At the heart of the International School Project are Christian teachers in countries around the world who empower their colleagues professionally and spiritually. Recently, 96 teachers and volunteers met in person. They came from 63 locations for a national leadership conference with the theme: “Go and Teach.” 

The leadership team (almost entirely consisting of Russian nationals) prayed and prepared for the conference for seven months. Yet, they faced challenges as they planned for the gathering.

Two weeks before the conference began, Christian teachers took turns praying by name around the clock each day for the teachers planning to come. 

The leaders prayed for each teacher to grow spiritually, and to have a life-changing experience. Each teacher received a heart with their name on it and was told, “God knows your name.” 

Because of COVID-19 restrictions, teachers had to be tested for the virus before arriving. The attendees met in two rooms instead of one so they could sit further apart, and technology issues between the rooms had to be resolved. But those challenges built faith muscles.

Teachers having fun at the ISP Retreat.

About half of the national leaders who attended led small groups for the first time. They also attended a ministry resource fair so they could learn from each other and share resources.

Teachers are helping to fulfill the Great Commission in their cities by building relationships and practicing evangelism and discipleship among their colleagues. Fitting into the theme of the conference, they can “Go and Make Disciples.” 

Russian Teachers' Movement 2021

Teachers discuss ways they can share the gospel with their colleagues.
  • 71 new leaders 
  • 56 new key leaders
  • 8 new multiplying disciples
  • 23 new Christ-followers
  • 6 new Teacher Communities established
  • 26 new cities involved
  • 29 access projects
  • 703 educators heard about Christ.

*These are conservative numbers from about 20 locations.

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